Improve Your Product Listings to Sell More Art

Ever wonder why some products skyrocket to the top of search results while others linger in obscurity? In this guide, we’ll spill the secrets to help your art shine both on the Online Art Festival site and across the web. Buckle up and let’s get those listings soaring!

Create Your Product Title

When you list a new piece of art for sale with Online Art Festival, use our standard naming schema:

[Name of Art Piece], [Brief Keyword Description], by [Artist]

Example: Evening Express, 3-Piece Hand Carved Wooden Train Set, by Santa’s Workshop

Why does this help?

  • Consistency: Familiar structure makes for a smoother shopping experience.
  • Clarity: Customers instantly know what your product is and who made it.
  • Searchability: Every title is a chance to be found on Google and Bing when someone searches for your name.

Short Description

The short description appears just under the title on the product page. Aim for 2-3 sentences that are simple and descriptive, packed with keywords that customers might use to search for your product.

Example: Looking for a unique children’s train set? Our hand-crafted train set is made with walnut and maple, and features no harmful chemicals. It’s safe for small children and provides hours of fun indoor or outdoor play.

Why does this help?

  • First Impressions: You’ve got 2-3 seconds to grab their attention.
  • Keyword Magic: Boosts your chances of being found in searches.
  • Instant Info: Quickly tells customers what they need to know.

Long Description

Here’s where you tell your story. Dive into your process, inspiration, materials, and more. Use relevant keywords to enhance your story and help with search visibility.

Example: Looking for a unique children’s train set? Our hand-crafted train set is made with walnut and maple, and features no harmful chemicals. It’s safe for small children and provides hours of fun indoor or outdoor play.

Each train takes several hours to carve by hand in our shop at the North Pole. We start with just a block of wood, a photo of an old coal-locomotive train, a few specialized tools, and a big bundle of patience. Then, we carefully carve out each detail of the train using specialized tools. The block of wood gets sanded down, coated in a few layers of finish, and voila! It’s ready for hours of playtime with your children.

Since our toy train is hand-carved, each one is unique! We try to choose wood for its grain. The beauty with the gloss finish is one of our favorite things about this beautiful hand carved train set. We hope that your family and the children you purchase this for love it as much as we do!

Our train measures about 8 inches long and 2 inches wide. The height varies based upon the type of train car. The engine is the tallest, with a slightly shorter caboose, and the boxcar is the shortest car in this set. Of course, the height varies on each set because of the handcrafted nature.

Why does this help?

  • Keyword Rich: Each relevant keyword boosts your search potential.
  • Engagement: Telling your story keeps customers intrigued.
  • Detailed Info: Answers all the questions a customer might have

Need some help writing your product descriptions?  We offer description writing services for as low as $5 per product.


Categories are crucial as they contain specific fields to help customers make purchasing decisions. Each product can be placed into up to 3 categories. If you need a category we’re missing, contact Vendor support.

Why does this help?

  • Enhanced Info: Fields provide detailed information for customers.
  • Increased Exposure: Helps with search results on and off the site.

What to Avoid When Lising New Art

Here are some pitfalls to steer clear of when optimizing your product page:

  • Lengthy Business Discussions
  • Talking About Other Artists or Products
  • Unrelated Festival & Event Info
  • Off-Site Links

Why does this help?

  • Focus: Keeps the page dedicated to one product.
  • Clarity: Customers stay focused on your product without distractions.
  • SEO: Search engines better understand and rank your page.

By following these tips, your products will not only stand out but will also be more likely to be found by eager buyers.